That was the name of our tour. Joe Knows St. Lucia. We had once again two amazing hosts! JR was our tour guide and Danny Boy was the boat captain!This tour was a land and sea tour. We were able to do a lot of awesome things in just one excursion!
We took a relaxing boat ride on a beautiful sunny day to different communities in St. Lucia. First we visited Marigot Bay. This is where JR says all the "rich bastards" live. For example, Mick Jagger and George Foreman have houses here!
This is a picture of Mick Jagger's home. It is on a hill that is like 500 feet above the bay. The houses are ridiculously expensive.
For all you Bachelor fans...The season of that idiot Jake. We saw where the final rose ceremony was filmed. It was beautiful! Even the tour guides agreed that he was dumb for choosing Vienna. I didn't realize that the natives kept up with dumb U.S reality shows :)
While in this Bay, we were able to snorkle. Since I was in the water, and wasn't smart enough to buy a waterproof disposable camera, I don't have any pictures of us snorkeling. We saw some amazing coral reefs and a lot of little Nemo fish! Yeah, I don't know what the technical name for the fish is, but if I didn't have a picture would we really know what I am talking about? Everyone knows Nemo!
After snorkling we were taking by shuttle through the town of Soufriere. This was the old capital of St. Lucia until there was a huge fire in the 1940's and the changed the capital to Castries. Interesting fact.... they still have a guillotine in their square. It isn't used, and I didn't have my camera out fast enough to take a picture either! However, they do still have capital punishment....death by hanging! There are prisoners on Death Row that have lawyers who are trying to get rid of capital punishment. It will be tied up in courts for years, so most likely they will just die in prison.
Next we were taking into a VOLCANO! We were given a mud bath from the actual volcano. The water in the mineral bath was about 106-110 F. HOT HOT HOT! We were told to keep the mud on our faces until we got to the waterfall to wash it off. We were told that the mud would help with bug bites, sun burns and just make your face feel amazing! They were right! My face was so smooth after washing it off.
By this time, we were starving. We deserved lunch! We were taken back to a cute little restaurant that served an amazing authentic St. Lucian lunch. Their sand has a lot of clay in it, so it's only natural that they use that clay to make pots to cook their food in!
The food was actually pretty good! They served chicken, lamb, an amazing vinaigrette salad dressing, mashed potatoes, wild rice, and their local vegetable that is like a potato.
After our lunch we headed back to the resort with some amazing pictures,
great memories and even better tan...
I couldn't have asked for a more perfect time. I get to spend time with the man I love and in the most beautiful place I have ever been!